Gakken Educational Research Institute recently conducted a survey among elementary and junior high school students to gauge their desired future occupations, revealing significant shifts in popularity among various career choices. The results reflect intriguing trends, including the rise of new aspirations and the evolution of traditional preferences.
Shonen JUMP Characters That Have Grown the Most!
It's fascinating to see characters evolve and grow throughout their journeys in Jump anime history. The survey was conducted to determine the characters who have grown the most in Jump anime history using the voting service provided by goo ranking. 1,174 votes were collected from participants during the survey period, which ran from December 31, 2023, to January 14, 2024.
Here are the top three characters who have shown remarkable personal growth:
Top Trending Food for Japanese Gen Z in 2023!
Earlier this year, Lookey, a Japanese marketing research company, surveyed 400 Generation Z people between the ages of 19 and 23 regarding this year's SNS trends. As 2023 comes to a close Lookey announced the ranking results in the "Gourmet Category".
Challenges of Parenthood in Japan
In a recent survey spanning 454 working individuals in their 20s and 30s across Japan, the Job Research Institute has unveiled valuable insights into the financial considerations and societal obstacles surrounding the journey of raising children.