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Japanese Kids' Dreams Unveiled: What Do Elementary and Junior High Students Want to Be When They Grow Up?

 Gakken Educational Research Institute recently conducted a survey among elementary and junior high school students to gauge their desired future occupations, revealing significant shifts in popularity among various career choices. The results reflect intriguing trends, including the rise of new aspirations and the evolution of traditional preferences.

Valentine's Day in Japan and America

Valentine's Day, the universal day of love, takes on delightful twists and turns as it traverses different cultures. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the charming disparities between how Japan and America celebrate this special day of affection.

Shonen JUMP Characters That Have Grown the Most!

It's fascinating to see characters evolve and grow throughout their journeys in Jump anime history. The survey was conducted to determine the characters who have grown the most in Jump anime history using the voting service provided by goo ranking. 1,174 votes were collected from participants during the survey period, which ran from December 31, 2023, to January 14, 2024. 

Here are the top three characters who have shown remarkable personal growth: